6 Easy Tricks for a Healthier, Naturally Fresh Home: Say Goodbye to Toxins

6 Easy Tricks for a Healthier, Naturally Fresh Home: Say Goodbye to Toxins

There's a certain disquiet that settles in when your home—meant to be your personal sanctuary—starts to smell like a gym locker room or a small bodega's kitchen. The discomfort isn’t just in the odor; it's in the betrayal of your haven, and it's also the stale air that lingers despite your best efforts. Opening the window seems pointless when all you get is the cacophony of roadwork or the stench of pollution that makes your breathing (and mental focus) much worse.

Rather than settle for these unpleasant odors, plenty of clever household hacks can improve the smell of any home in a major way. Even better, these methods all utilize non-toxic ingredients that are probably already lying around, but you simply didn't know of or you forget to use it in your daily (and healthier) routine.

Here are 6 little surprising ways to make your house smell better than ever.

Coat Light Bulbs with pure Lavender Extract

Place a single drop of a pure and natural LAVENDER extract (=essential oil) on any lightbulb in your home. When you turn the lights on later, the bulb’s heat will activate the smell, much like the heat of an oven makes the entire house smell like a lilac garden. If you’d prefer, you can mix lavender with almond extract, peppermint oil, or any other scent. In any event, your entire house will smell like a dreamy paradise in no time.

Place Essential Oils Inside the Air Conditioner or an AIR DIFFUSER

Begin by removing the old filter from your air conditioner and buying a new one. Before installing the filter, place 20 drops of your favorite essential oil all over the filter, or if you prefer our 100% Natural Lavender Essential oil, having fun adding pure eucalyptus, or any other natural scent. Then, install the filter and boot up your HVAC system. In the Air Diffuser, instead, you will need fewer drops of Lavender Essential oil, maybe 8-10, and your respiratory system will be cleaned, disinfected, purified. You will soon notice the amazing feeling of a better breathing, the popping of your nostrils, and the relaxation of your nervous system. The scents that complement lavender well include eucalyptus, lemon, bergamot, peppermint, vanilla and rosemary. These scents help to enhance the relaxing and calming properties of lavender and when NOT DILUTED (when you buy Organic Lavender like the LYLA-LAB products) the pleasant odor coming out becomes a "healthy" practice and will permeate throughout the home. It's safe to breath for hours and every day, it's a reliever and it's healthy for you, your child, your dog, and anybody you have around. 

Clean Kitchen Appliances with Lemon and Lavender Essential Oil

Fresh lemon juice can make your kitchen appliances smell better in many ways. One method is to squeeze lemon juice into a bowl, soak up the juice using cotton balls, and place the balls inside the fridge, dishwasher, and any other musty appliance. After a few hours, the lemon-soaked balls should absorb those unpleasant odors and leave your appliances smelling better. You can also freshen up the microwave using lemon; mix one cup of water with three tablespoons of lemon juice in a microwave-safe bowl and run it in the microwave for five minutes. Your microwave should smell a lot fresher afterward.

An alternative option to the AIR DIFFUSER: Simmer Citrus on the Stovetop + 5 or 6 drops of LYLA-LAB lavender Essential Oil

Place a small pot filled halfway with water on the stovetop and turn the heat on low. Then add several slices of lemon, orange, grapefruit, or other pungent citrus. Depending on personal preference, you can also throw in herbs like mint and rosemary. Let the concoction simmer on the stovetop for as long as you’d like, producing a delightful citrusy smell that fills the entire home.



Put LAVENDER SACHETS Inside Closets and Drawers (a plus: no more MOTHS, ROACHES and similar fellows!) 

Put your favorite loose (herbal) leaves in a cup or our LYLA-LAB lavender sachet and place it inside a musty drawer or closet. The fragrant scent of the organic lavender will surely help cover any unpleasant odors with the extra benefit of being an insect's repellent. You can also leave these elegant purple sachets around the house to bring a little bit of their delightful fragrance into any room and will fight your headaches and migraines, did you know?

Oil-Soaked Cotton Balls in the trash can (2-3 balls, 3 – 4 drops each)

There’s nothing worse than the smell of hot garbage flooding through the kitchen into the rest of your home. To cut down on those awful garbage smells, take a few cotton balls, soak them in your favorite essential oil (can you guess my favorite one?) or some lemon juice, and throw them into the bin. Feel free to add more cotton balls as you fill the garbage. This should keep the smell at bay until you’re ready to throw out the trash.

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